Frederico Maia

World traveler and Software Developer since 2008. CEO of Meteor Software, the creators of Meteor.js and Galaxy. Here, you can learn about me, read my my articles, watch videos and podcasts I've featured in, or follow me on social media.

Meteor.js with Vite, Solid, and Tailwind CSS

In the world of web development, choosing the right tools can make a significant difference in the efficiency and quality of your projects. In this blog post, we will learn how to create a new project using four powerful tools: Meteor.js, Vite, Solid, and Tailwind CSS. This combination can elevate our development experience.

Instalando Tailwind CSS 2 em um projeto Meteor 2.6

Meteor é um framework JS super produtivo que nos permite implementar funcionalidades tanto no backend quanto no frontend. Tailwind é um framework CSS para construirmos websites e apps modernos. A combinação dos dois nos dá um excelente combo!

Meteor.js with React and Tailwind CSS 3

We all know that Meteor is a super productive JS framework that allows us to create full-stack projects. React.js is a widely used UI library for building web apps. And Tailwind is a CSS framework for building modern websites and apps. The combination of the three gives us an excellent combo!


  1. Company
    Meteor Software (Remote)
    Meteor.js and Galaxy CEO
  2. Company
    Pathable (Remote)
    Tech Lead
  3. Company
    Clubien (Remote)
    Co-Founder & CEO
  4. Company
    LeasePlan (Ireland)
    Senior Software Engineer
  5. Company
    Equifax (Ireland)
    Software Engineer
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